What does this have to do with saving money? These first few post are not going to be typical for this blog as far as pure cash savings, however not choosing the right option for you can be costly and not knowing what costs are involved in different options and which of those costs that you will be responsible for can have a big impact. Also, if you have a certain birth experience that you want to strive for, this may be a good place to splurge.
This series of posts will consist of the following posts:
- What type of childbirth experience do you want to have?
- Childbirth Education options.
- What do you take to the hospital?
Would you like to share your birth story? -If so, get it ready for tomorrows comment section or email it to me!
And don't forget the coupon giveaway ends tomorrow. I have had some questions about how to enter. Go to the original giveaway post here. And leave a comment letting me know that you qualify (by living in the continental US, "liking" me on facebook and "following" me on blogger). If you look to the top right of my page, there are buttons to "like" and "follow" me. That's all! :)
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