On to today's post............
So, I found this recipe on parentsconnect.com to make homemade washable, edible paint for your child and was super excited to try it out and share it with you. I thought it was perfect for this website because it is for kids and Do It Youself, so it must be cheap too!
The recipe called for equal parts Dry Milk and water and then some food coloring.
First problem: The generic brand dry milk was almost $5!!
Second problem: I was expecting finger paint and this was like, well... Milk....
Result: It just got lumpy
I have a very unhappy teething toddler on my hands, so failure is not an option.
Second Solution Attempt: Scrap they dry milk all together, make some vanilla pudding and add food coloring.
That is not as big of a mess as I expect from my little boy.... he must need more:
He took his bib off before I could stop him.
Does anyone with older kids want to try the milk paint and see how older kids do with it?
Does anyone want to try pudding paint and share pictures on our facebook page?
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